Tuesday, April 29, 2008

9 years old!!!

Today is Taya birthday! Happy bday Taya! I can't believe that she is 9 years old, time sure does fly by. She sure has been a wonderful part of my life. When I first met Taya she was only 6 months old. We clicked with eachother right away. Not only am I her stepmother, but we are good friends as well.We took Taya and her cousins to "fat cats" to bowl, she is a very good bowler. She didn't used anything to help her, she did it all on her own. With the help of the bumper bars.

The girls eating lunch.
Jayden getting in the action with dads help.
afterwards, we went to Tanners and Becks house to have some cake and icecream. Zack turned 7 years old! oh my how they all are growing so fast.


RebeccaVert said...

Tell Taya Happy Birthday!!! Zacky looks thrilled doesn't he lol!!

Lindsey Metelko said...

Man we sure are getting old huh? I remember when you first started dating AJ and it doesn't seem that long ago. Time flies!